Wednesday 24 March 2010

iTunes ... NOOOOO!

The last 2 times I decided to give iTunes another go, it has removed files from my computer resulting in me having to go find them again! So, I thought - maybe they've perfected, or at very least corrected iTunes since. But of course not, how wrong of me to assume! over 10,000 songs were placed into the "automatically add to iTunes" folder - 2,436 were placed into the library. What's that all about Apple??

Thankfully - and I use this term lightly, considering I know just how crap Microsoft are too - I still have my WM playlists, which means I don't have to sit here trying to remember over 7,000 songs, all on my onesy, to get them all back again.

Here's wishing myself luck to find them all again! More luck will probably be needed so if anyone reads this, please feel free to throw some my way lol x

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Feelin a bit drained lately...

I've been spending the last few days tucked up in bed, mostly, watchin Buffy again. Currently on season 5 so it's all Glory Glory Glory. Got my copy of New Moon on DVD today so I watched that up there too! Even tho I watched the bad quality version last night - must be hooked or somethin! lol Definately can't wait for Eclipse! Even more so Breaking Dawn - Bella as a vamp, should be fun, or so the book says!

looking at new career options

I've decided to make some changes in my life. first step - looking at my career options. found a couple of reflexology and aromatherapy courses online. I have an extra room at home so I can use the space as a treatment room. If I choose 1 of the home study courses I could probably get it done sooner than if I went to college. I think you have to take part in at least one practical days training but I could work that in. A trip to Devon or London would be cool - which is where the centres are for the course I'm more interested in taking up.

Next step - get payment scheme set up for the course, get the study materials in the post, start the course!

Fingers crossed!